Case Study – HSBC – Using Modular Sets
When we speak with a potential client and they mention they want to have an event to scale out to multiple locations, we immediately start to think about production and set up. We did not want to create a new set for every location. How can we create pieces that scale to each location without sacrificing the theme and feel of the event. Not to mention doing all of this without sacrificing quality.
Every Site is Just as Important as the Rest
Sometimes the client doesn’t want to have virtual meetings. They would rather take the show on the road and have multiple events over the course of several weeks. When you have an organization with presence in several cities throughout the country and even the world, you want each location to know that they are important. The risk of the hybrid event in this case was that the employees in the smaller markets might not feel as important if the higher-ups did not show up to their city. If the executive of the company stayed in one of the bigger cities, like New York, or Los Angeles, every other location might think that they were 2nd tier, or 3rd , or 10th .
The Challenge
HSBC handed us a challenge. They wanted to do 18 events to get in front of their employees all over the country. It would have been easy to say we would have to build 18 custom-designed stages. Then hand over a bill to the client who would then go look for another vendor.
When we were presented with the list of locations, we had to consider a whole laundry list of variables. How can we do one presentation 18 times? The locations were in buildings of different sizes and configurations. Depending on the age of the venue, there were also differences in the type and quality of the utilities and other amenities.
We realized that it was going to be nearly impossible to account for every variable in every location. Our team had to start to think in terms of modular pieces. We had to assume the worst when it came to what we would find in each location. The type and quality of what was available varied place to place. Once we decided to take out all of the variables we started to see the solution. Modular sets and stages that can be retro-fitted into each of the locations we were presented with. When it came to the modular pieces and the theme we wanted, we got to the point where it didn’t matter what we were presented with. Each location turned into a relatively easy decision of how to set the stage and what pieces we were going to be able to use.
Never Become Complacent
After a while, you get used to the some locations. For each venue or hotel, once you work with a place a couple of times, you get to know the ins and outs of each location. You can start to plan in advance for some of the quirks or rules of each place. When you have so many locations in so many cities, we realized we were not going to be able to take every quirk into account. The design work, as well as setting up the first couple of events were a challenge, but once we realized our own quirks of dealing with such modular and scalable equipment, each subsequent event became easier and easier.
What did we learn for this? You learn something from every job and from every location. We learned with the HSBC job that you do not always have to be limited by your surroundings. Sometimes the best way to deal with a long list of unknowns and variables is to just set them aside and not worry about them.
Call P & V Enterprises
If your event has a complex set of variables call Pat and Vince. They will review your plans and create a memorable experience. Call us today at 212-534-3052.