Tips For Making Your Next Conference More Interesting and Engaging
These are really quite simple, but need to be thought out.
- First, understand who your attendees are. This can be done through the online registration process
- Second, consider your agenda. Have some space in the agenda for both facilitated networking and informal gatherings in a lounge like setting. Make people feel comfortable and at ease. The introverts will have a better chance of meeting people this way.
- Third, Use an event app that enables networking. There are many out there, so do some research, get recommendations from colleagues.
- Fourth, consider room set ups other than theater or classroom style. Make every effort to do this for your breakout sessions so attendees are facing one another as well as facing the presenter.
- Fifth, consider the presenter as well. Would the presenter feel comfortable with a more interactive session rather than a pure lecture? Discuss the room set up options with you presenters. You must discuss this far in advance. If so, go for it.
- Sixth, choose panelists and moderators very carefully. Encourage them to make the panel a conversation rather than presentation afater presentation, followed by Q&A. and can be very boring!!
- Seventh is seat your panelists in nice chairs with a small table in front of them. Try not to use a a couple of typical 6 or 8 foot tables. That separates them from the audience in a subtle way. You don’t want them to appear separate from the audience.
There are many places to find examples and reviews of event apps and there are many places to find examples of room setups.
Good luck with this concept and wishing you, a successful and engaging conference.
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