Some Metrics From Your Live Streamed Event That You Can’t Get From The Face To Face Event.
This tidbit was on Meetings Net and it is definitely worth sharing. MY comments are included.
4 Metrics You Need to Track During Your Next Virtual Event
Attendee Behavior Patterns – you can tell how long they are logged on to a session. You certainly can’t tell how long a face-to-face attendee is either paying attention or is actually in the room.
Attendee Engagement
What was and wasn’t effective– determine this by the previous analytic
Prospective Clients– if it’s sales leads you’re after, you will know who signed up and who attended the streamed event.
Gauge Attendee Experience
Surveys– The survey for face-to-face and for the virtual audience will have some similarities and some differences as the experiences are different, but you will be able to understand the level of engagement and user experience
Don’t get discouraged by attendee rates
It has been found that 40—50 % of people who register for the virtual event end up going to the face-to-face the next time.