Have you received emails like this?
“Thank you for visiting our xyeuinvkn booth at The Special Event show last month
In case you missed us this year. “….
Well, which is it? Was I there or not? Really dopey
Frankly, I wasn’t at the Special Event this year. Of course, I wish that I had been as I know that it’s always a terrific conference and trade show.
However, when I do attend a conference and trade show, I don’t necessarily visit every booth. If it’s not an area of need or potential need why waste my time or theirs?
My suggestions for exhibitors are:
a- Although you receive a registration list, that is not the final attendee list., therefore,
b- Use lead retrieval of some sort, whether from the show management or your own on your smartphone.
c- Send out that lovely post show email, but only to those who actually visited your booth, and
d- Send out a different post show email using the second statement “In case you missed us this year…” to those whose names were on the registered list, but didn’t visit your booth to let them know what they missed.
Clearly, it’s very important to touch everyone, but using a slightly different appropriate message is key. I’m sure that you don’t want to insult the intelligence of your audience. , for if you do they will shortly not be your audience.
It’s very important to follow up and follow through, but it must be done correctly. Now, if I were to receive an email saying “sorry that you didn’t have a chance to visit us”, I most likely will read the email as I feel that they are directing the message to me and who knows, I might just discover something that I would not have on my own!