In the 20+ years years I've been in the planning/production/management of events and meetings two things run true. I have always been learning from others and what I do is truly behind the scenes.
Last year, sometime, I signed on to Twitter, Linkedin and FaceBook. I'd also look at MySpace, but never signed up for that. Honestly, I really didn't "get it". There was so much what I'll call nonsense.
Along came a guy by the name of Dan Parks, the creator of Virtualis, a conference and event center in Second Life and a fellow MeCo Moderator who explained the value of Twitter to me.
It turns out that Twitter is much more than someone Tweeting about what he ate for breakfast or that he's got a cold.
I now understand the value of Twitter for communicating, networking, learning and educating others.A revelation!
Then I learned a little bit more about Linkedin and FaceBook and now see the value in these as well.
All are convenient ways to help market an event and reach out to thousands of people you never could have otherwise. I've helped promote some client and friend's events using these.
I've enjoyed learning and giving information as well. I've met many terrific events folks known as "peeps" and that's been one of the best things. I've learned a lot and I think I've shared quite a bit of good information, too.
From all this, I've given a couple of talks and been on a panel about social media. Yesterday I presented at a session at BizBash and that was the best experience yet. I'm really enjoying giving back or say it differently, paying it forward. Whether it's back or forward, it's all really good!
This is what it's all about and I believe that social media has brought that philosophy into the forefront.