Yes, you can! As a matter of fact you must be even more creative.If you're a corporate planner you may not have the staff that you had a year ago and feel as if you've been thrown to the lions.
Don't despair. There are many event planning and event production resources, including on-line list serves where you can ask questions. Believe it or not you can ask questions and there will be at least one person (usually more) that will have an answer or a suggestion.
I have a little favoritism here as I'm one of the moderators on the MeCo List, so I highly recommend it. The other list is the MiForum. Between the two, you can learn just about anything regarding event and meeting planning or production, Venues, catering, best practices and more.
Don't forget to use Social Media in your quest for creative ideas. Go to LInkedin groups, Facebook groups and Twitter. Use a hash tag such as eventprofs and you'll find a lot of Events and Meetings professionals will respond.
Of course you can get creative ideas from interfacing with your local MPI or ISES Chapter.
Of course, another option is to outsource part or all of your event or meeting to a meeting or event production and management company. You will find that they will look at your event with a fresh perspective as they're not involved in all the other day to day concerns of your other meetings and responsibilities. They will free you up to concentrate on all those other things.
Get to know the professionals that you outsource to so that you can tell them what you need to accomplish and a realistic budget range. Tell them what you've done in the past. Just as a hotel property needs to know the history of your meeting, the production company needs to know that as well in order to be able to be your strategic partner.
Consider outsourcing presentation production, staging, decor as a beginning and browse through the P&V Enterprises website for some cool event production and event staging ideas as well as decor.