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There's been many a discussion about the wow factor when selecting a celebrity to be the guest speaker at a conference or fund raising event. It seems to be a consideration far too often when developing content and marketing ideas at the beginning of the event planning process.  However, is there a return on your investment?

As part of the event planning process and selecting a speaker for your meeting, make content not celebrity the most important factor in order to achieve attendees' ROI. Perhaps some people will attend event just to get a glimpse of a celebrity, however those spending money to attend for education or those buying high priced tickets to a fund raising gala want their money well spent. They want an event that is well produced, appropriate content and well delivered. A meeting or event with really great content professionally delivered is always a winner.

Maybe a big name will attract some, but your meeting or event won't necessarily continue its high attendance unless meeting attendees are receiving value. This is true whether the economy is good or bad.

Check out Chris Reagan's video on Meetings in Minute. It's very interesting.