For a year i had a Business Coach, with whom I met weekly.
One of the exercises I had to do was tell him what our company unique selling proposition was. What makes us better than another company who does the same thing. This was very difficult for me and I came up with many dumb ones and not at all clever. I know that we're better. After all if you didn't think that you were really good, it would be difficult to do what you do, whether its's catering, floral design, singing, dancing and so on. But, the right words or phrases and the USP must be succinct. It has to trip off your lips.
This leads me to an article that I just read about the agony of figuring out your USP.
Here's a quote fro the article that I think sums it up:
At the end of the day, the only reason you need a USP at all is to answer that question. Why you?
Why should anyone read your blog?
Why should anyone buy your product or retain your services? What do you
have to offer that makes it worth anyone’s time and/or money?
It can be a painful question, but it doesn’t have to be one that
ties you in knots for weeks on end. Keep it simple, and keep moving
forward. The strongest USP on earth won’t help you if you don’t back it
up with all the other actions that create a successful business.
About the Author of the quote: Sonia Simone is Senior Editor of Copyblogger and the founder of Remarkable Communication.
People buy Martha Stewart Magazine, her housewares, etc., because it's Martha. folks stay at a Trump Hotel because it has the Donald's name on it. They watch The Apprentice, not just to see what they go through to be successful, but to see Trump's evaluation of the project and each person on that team.
Of course, Martha doesn't cook, fold laundry and plant flowers all by herself. She has a huge staff, who must create and execute as she would or would want. Same with Donald's empire. He doesn't build a hotel or apartment building, but there is a look and certain standard to each property all based on his personality. Both Donald and Martha are rumored to be very demanding, but they have a reputation of being that way and the public knows that they will purchase a product that lives up to its promise.
Which brings me back to my USP. My company, is called P&V Enterprises, the P is me and the V my husband, Vince. Are we the Unique Selling Proposition? Do I have to something that sounds more corporate? A dilemma.
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