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WebCasting and Some Technical Considerations


Here’s something else to think about when you decide to extend the reach of your meeting and that concerns your webcasting partner.
You may have watched some events that were streamed live or possibly streamed on demand and they cut out intermittently, or the video seemed to jump. Possibly the voice was out of sync.
It happens, but can it be prevented? Can it, be minimized?

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  • Pat Ahaesy January 26, 2012, 4:20 pm

    Tahira, I’m so pleased that you liked my Vlog this week. I’m pasionate about webcasting and hybrid events as I imagine you are.
    I actually attended the very first EventCamp in NYC and the Philly Pod for ECTC11. Both were great experiences, met wonderful people, and learned a lot.
    I didn’t get to see Vancouver Event Camp, but I’ve heard great things about it.

  • Tahira Endean, CMP January 25, 2012, 9:48 am

    Pat, this was really fun to watch. As the Producer for Event Camp Vancouver I do understand the challenges – and the amazing opportunities – and was so fortunate to have amazing partners to bring this together. Thank you for this very thoughtful video!